Guest Artist and Presenters
Jana Alayra
Esther Moreno
Dan Warlow
Scott Humston
The Lads
Yoly Pacheco
Joey Evans
Tim Hannig
David and Teesha Lafflin

We have a VERY limited supply at this time. So, order yours TODAY! If you need more than 25 or so, contact SundayCool directly and order the "WOW VBS 2021" shirts.
We'll also GIVE you the art if you wish to have them printed locally. (They are a 6-colors this year, and look just awesome!)
Here's the link to the online store where you can order:
The Shoe That Grows
The perfect mission project for WOW VBS
Frequently Ask Questions
What is WOW VBS?
WOW VBS is a global event for the children of the world produced from the contributions of artist, presenters, and churches across 67 nations. WOW VBS is designed to be presented as an online virtual experience, a traditional on-campus event, or an at home / backyard / neighborhood program. WOW VBS is a 4 day program and will feature different host from around the world, kidmin guest artist, and celebrity cameos. Kids and families will participate in a fun, engaging, interactive program of worship, Bible stories and teaching, magic, fun, games, crafts, and a presentation of the gospel message.
When is WOW VBS?
All WOW VBS program resources are available to download beginning June 1. All WOW resources will remain online and available for downloading and on demand through October 2021.
What is WOW LIVE?
WOW LIVE 2021 is a 40 minute live streaming music event for kids around the world. This concert features kids choirs and artist from around the world. WOW Live premiers on Saturday June 5th and 6th. WOW LIVE 2021 is designed to “kick off” the WOW VBS 4 day events. After premiering WOW LIVE 2021 will also be available via on demand streaming. This will give churches the option to present WOW LIVE on a date of their choosing.
Is the WOW worship music available for download?
Yes, the WOW VBS original song will be available to download as music videos.
How does my church host the WOW VBS for kids and families?
Just click registration button. All you need to do is register your church and we will send you everything you need. Complete instructions for promoting and hosting WOW VBS for your church families.
What does WOW cost?
We ask each church to consider a small fee in support of WOW VBS. This fee is just a small fraction of a typical VBS budget, however your support will really make the difference. Your donation will help to cover the production cost, kidmin artist and presenters, and gift our mission partner.
Does WOW VBS support a mission project?
Yes, wow has teamed up with Because International to offer your kids a great mission project.
Who is producing WOW VBS?
WOW VBS is being produced by Steve Pennington and Scott Humston of Faithkidz Ministries, a project of New Dimensions Evangelism.
Meet Steve
Steve Pennington has for more than 40 years given his life’s work to creating and presenting programs that encourage, inspire, and motivate and communicate good news of the gospel to kids and parents. In addition to his work as children’s minister, Steve is a storyteller, a writer/director, a video producer, a puppeteer, and a performer. Steve is a storyteller, his children’s television efforts have earned him 3 regional emmy awards.
Steve is a writer, he has written shows for theme parks such as Six Flags, Opryland USA, and Silver Dollar City. Steve is puppeteer, his was the master puppeteer for Walt Disney World’s “Legend of the Lion King”, “The Voyage of the Little Mermaid”, and “Beauty and The Beast on Broadway” Steve is a performer, his Pro-Kids Family Show has been presented in more than 2000 elementary schools and also performed at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Steve is a director, he serve for five years at Saddleback Church as program director for children’s ministries and is currently serving as children’s pastor of Trevecca Community Church, Nashville, TN. Steve is a husband and father. Steve lives in Nashville TN with his wife Danielle. He has two daughters and 3 grandchildren.
Meet Scott
Rev. Scott Humston has led an extraordinary life. Overcoming a speech related birth defect to become a full-time speaker and performer, Scott now devotes his life to the art of educating through entertainment. Scott holds a B.A. in Communication Studies and Dramatic Arts, and has received professional and community awards for his encouragement to young people. Touring more than 40,000 miles a year— not including flying—he's been seen coast-to-coast and abroad—even three shows at The White House! He has over the last 25 years entertained, motivated, and inspired people of all ages. More than 3 million people have seen his live shows! In addition to his "on stage" time, For more than twenty-five years, Scott has #sharedwonder in every major church denomination in the United States…and many para-church organizations. He's also partnered with mission outreaches in Turkey, Belize, and the United Kingdom. He's also has worked with hundreds of companies, like Southwest Airlines, LEGO, and the BBC, sharing Wonder and adding impact to their projects.
However, even more, important he and his wife Debi have been married 25 years and are have four children, ages 21, 19, 13, and 12. When not on the road, Scott and his family reside in beautiful Mount Dora, Florida.
Statement of Faith
God: We believe that God is love. That God is three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - in eternal loving communion together as one. We believe that God created out of love, breathed life out of love, forgives and extends grace out of love so that we might live with God in loving relationship forever.
Jesus: We believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of God. Fully God, yet fully human. Christ is God incarnate, God with us. It is through his sacrificial love on the cross and resurrection from the dead that we are forgiven, extended grace, and welcomed into the kingdom of God.
Holy Spirit: We believe that the Holy Spirit is God’s presence in and for the world. Promised to us by Christ, the Holy Spirit empowers us and leads us into faithful, loving relationship with God and neighbor alike, opening our eyes to see where the world and our lives are not as they should be in order to compel and empower us to join with God in the work of remaking the world and our lives as they should be.
Salvation: We believe that people aren’t perfect, but God loves us anyway. We believe that through the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth God has extended salvation to all of creation. It’s a free gift available to whoever will accept their place in the kingdom of God.
The Bible: We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, is the God-breathed story of God’s people, given to us so that we might better understand who God is, hear the good news, and become the people of God that we have been called to be in and for the world.