Calling all kids to submit your videos. Your video may be used in one of our WOW episodes.

Deadline to upload videos - June 13

1. - The Lord’s Prayer

Kids, submit a video saying - The Lord’s Prayer.

These is a simple video .  Please begin the video clip with a parent or guardian on camera  granting permission to use this video recording in the WOW VBS program video.

“Hello my name is _______ and I am the parent of __________ and I give permission to use this video as part of the WOW VBS program video.”

This may be recorded on a camera phone. Please shoot video by setting a phone’s camera in the vertical position and frame a waist up medium shoot. Please shoot in a quiet location with good lighting to capture the best possible video. 

Also, please begin and end each video with 3 seconds of “on camera” focus to camera. Please name the  video file  with “Prayer and name of child.”   Example:  Prayer_billy smith.  For the protection of children, last names will not appear in video.

Our Father in heaven

Hallowed by your name

Your kingdom come

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our debts,

As we forgive our debtors

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil one

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. 


You may upload your video to the dropbox folder by clicking the button above and dragging your video file onto the site. You may also send your video file via email.

2. - Kid Chat

Kids, submit videos with your answers to the Kid Chat

These are simple quick conversations with kids answering 3 questions.  The questions connect to the theme word of the day.  Please begin each video clip with a parent or guardian on camera  granting permission to use this video recording in the WOW VBS program video.

“Hello my name is _______ and I am the parent of __________ and I give permission to use this video as part of the WOW VBS program video.”

These spots may be recorded on a camera phone. Please shoot video by setting a phone’s camera in the vertical position and frame a waist up medium shoot. Please shoot in a quiet location with good lighting to capture the best possible video. 

Also, please begin and end each video with 3 seconds of “on camera” focus to camera.Please label each video with name of attribute and name of child.   Example:  Courage_billy smith  For the protection of children, last names will not appear in video.

Kid Chat Episode 1, Video 1 - Courage

Courage - The ability and will power to endure difficulty even when you are afraid.

1. What is courage?  

2. What is an example of courage you may have seen in recent days?

3. How does God help give us courage?

Kid Chat Episode 2, Video 2 - Hope

Hope - Confident trusting in the promises of God.

What is hope?

What is an example of hope you may have seen in recent days?

How does God help give us hope?

Kid Chat Episode 3, Video 3 - Help

Help - Giving yourself to support the needs of others.

What is helping?  

What is an example of helping you may have seen in recent days?

How does God help give us help?

Kid Chat Episode 4, Video 4 - Love

Love - Unselfish care and affection for others.

What is Love?  

What is an example of love you may have seen in recent days?

How does God help give us love?

You may upload your video to the dropbox folder by clicking the button above and dragging your video file onto the site. You may also send your video file via email.

3. - WOW Theme Song

Kids, submit a video singing and dancing to the WOW theme song. Just watch play the video and follow along.